Book Haul

May 30, 2015


Exams are ridiculously close right now, but I'm following my own advice from this post and procrastinating productively by blogging. My posts over the next few weeks won't be the most inspiring since I'm writing most of them in advance, but watch this space until the summer holidays when I'll have endless time on my hands to get creative! 

I had a sudden realisation that I haven't done a haul post in a while (not since mid May, can you believe), so here's a quick look at some books I acquired recently.

The Secret Countess by Eva Ibbotson

I'm fairly sure I've read this before, probably when I was about twelve judging by the size of the font, but personally I love rereading old favourites so I'm excited to read this. And I think it's technically classed as historical fiction, which is excellent.

A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd

There's something incredibly familiar about this book and it took me a while to figure out that it was one of the ones on a bookshelf in my old English class that I sat and stared at for two years when I wasn't paying attention. From the blurb it kind of reminds me of Shadowstory by Jennifer Johnston, but maybe that's just the Irish setting.

The Fool's Girl by Celia Rees

I absolutely love Celia Rees's books and have all her other historical fiction novels (Witch Child, Sorceress, Pirates and Sovay), even though they probably are a bit young for me. This book is utterly beautiful though - the cover is stunning and the gold shiny bits make it seem so rich and ornate.

Towards Zero by Agatha Christie

It's no secret that Agatha Christie is one of my all-time favourite authors and Towards Zero is just another to add to my growing collection. I was slightly disappointed to discover it's not actually one of the Poirot ones, but I'll still read and enjoy it anyway.

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Well. I bet you didn't see that one coming. Like everyone else I have of course seen the film Jurassic Park but only recently did I learn that (like all good movies, it seems) it was originally a book. In a similar manner to when I saw Schindler's List at a secondhand book sale, I was slightly overcome by an urge to be able to say I've read this - we'll see how long it takes me to get round to it though!

I'm currently rereading a few texts for my exams, so I seriously cannot wait until this time next month when I'll be able to read for my own pleasure and perhaps get stuck into one of these!


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