UK Food Haul
September 26, 2015
Every time we go to the UK we inevitably come back with an assortment of sweets and biscuits and just food in general that gets packed away in a cardboard box and loaded into the car and hoarded away until we want to taste England again. As we had no car on this last trip things were slightly different (we couldn't fit any Tetleys or Quavers or extra packets of Cheerios into the limited space), but we nevertheless brought back a few sweet treats that I thought I'd share with you today.
I have an extremely sweet tooth and dolly mixtures are my current obsession, they've recently replaced milk bottles as my go-to British buy. The best ones are three for £1 in Tesco, so I ended up with 6 packets after this trip (one of which I've already eaten!). You can actually get dollymix in our local British store but to be honest it's not that local and the Tesco ones are just superior.
Rhubarb and custards are maybe my second-favourite sweets and one of my mum's favourites too. Between us we've become slightly addicted to them lately so we picked up a few of these during our last Tesco shop. The flavour is just the most British thing ever and it's the bees knees in my opinion!
I also got a few mini hot chocolate things, which aren't actually part of our traditional haul, but seeing as I don't drink tea (gasp) or coffee, I'm quite partial to a hot choc on cold winter days.
I spotted this amazing GLITTER JELLY in a supermarket somewhere and just had to try it because hello, how awesome is that?? It says on the packet that it's new, which is all very exciting. I can't wait to see how this actually turns out!
Angel Delight is something we always buy a couple of packets of, and it's always the butterscotch flavour. My mum used to have this for pudding when she was little and it's something we like to have occasionally, with plenty of sprinkles and squirty cream.
Last but not least, pink panther biscuits were a staple of my childhood and I think they'll always be in my top three biscuits, after Bourbon creams and jammy dodgers. I mean they're pink, what's not to love?