Halloween Outfits #2

October 30, 2015

Halloween is just around the corner and I for one have got my outfit sorted. It's a witchy ensemble with a long dress and a veil (actually a tablecloth from Poundland, I'm on a student budget here) and if it works out like I'm imagining it in my mind it's going to be great.

However if you haven't decided what you're wearing I've got a few more last-minute ideas that you could probably recreate easily from things in your wardrobe, this time with a less traditionally 'scary' Halloween feel (see my previous post for those) and more of a 'feminine' vibe. Enjoy!

1. Ghost
This first outfit is ridiculously simple but equally as effective. Basically just take any longish floaty white dress and accessorise - with a cross choker necklace, for instance, and pale creepy makeup. It's so simple I have literally nothing else to say.

2. Victorian Attic
Now obviously you're not dressing up as an attic but I feel like the various components of this outfit idea could easily have been found in a dusty old room full of crumbling antiques. In reality think slightly scruffy old-fashion clothing, with lace if possible, and then (the piece de resistance) drape fake cobweb stuff over yourself so you look like you've just crawled out of a pile of old drapes.

3. Space Princess
I like to keep Halloween dressing up more or less in the creepy realm and I think this hits the mark - think aliens and weird spaceyness and hazy shimmer. All right, so it's unlikely you'll have a holographic skirt hanging around but I imagine a similar effect could be achieved with a length of material and a needle and thread (it doesn't have to be perfect). Then just dig out your little sister's princess crown, add sparkly heels and you're sorted!

4. Prom
This skirt just screams prom but it's a nice halfway point between 'girly' and 'gothic' with a doll-like vibe. Hair and makeup could go either direction with this one: either something super glam and pretty or dark and scary-looking.

What are your plans for Halloween?


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