August Book & DVD Haul

August 04, 2014


Recently I went to the UK to visit my grandparents, where I found several Amazon orders waiting for me. Usually I don't splurge massively on books, but a few months ago Amazon changed their delivery options, and as a result I can no longer get free delivery in Belgium, so what I've been doing instead is sending stuff to the UK with the intention of picking it up when I'm next over there. I think there were about 6 orders in total, including school books for me and my brother, which I won't bother to show here because they're not especially interesting. So without further ado, here is the contents of my mega Amazon order:

The Flappers: Diva by Jillian Larkin

This is actually the second book in the The Flappers trilogy, the first of which I already own but have not yet read. As you can probably tell from the title, it's set in the 1920s, which is one of my favourite decades and purely the reason I decided to get the second book without having read the first - I know I'm going to love these.

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie &
The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley

I came across this series while browsing through Amazon, and I immediately fell in love with the concept: they're the first two in a series of murder mysteries set in rural 1950s England, and the heroine is 11-year-old Flavia de Luce. I also adore the quirky titles!

My Royal Story: Elizabeth by Kathryn Lasky
My Story: Highway Girl by Valerie Wilding
My Story: To Kill a Queen by Valerie Wilding
My Royal Story: Victoria by Anna Kirwan
My Story: Wartime Princess by Valerie Wilding

I read my first My Story book aged 9 when I borrowed one from the school library - it was Bloody Tower by Valerie Wilding, which is set in the 1550s and follows the plots and politics of the Tudor court unfolding through the eyes of a girl living in the Tower of London. I got a box set of 10 the next Christmas, and ever since they have remained firm favourites, thanks to the diary format and uncomplicated way they present historical concepts. They were my very first historical fiction books, and influenced a lot of my love for history today. I decided to get a few more to complete my collection, including To Kill a Queen, which is the sequel to Bloody Tower.

 Revolution & The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly

More historical fiction... Coincidentally, one of my closest friends mentioned a few days before I left for the UK that The Tea Rose is her favourite book of all time, so I was especially excited when I remembered I'd just ordered it! I have actually read Revolution, and would definitely recommend it to anyone who has an interest in the French Revolution. I would say some background knowledge is required to enjoy it properly, but a lot of the facts are explained along the way, albeit somewhat briefly.

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Briar Rose by Jana Oliver

The Thirteenth Tale is a gothic tale which has been likened to Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, which I find desperately exciting. It's also had wonderful reviews, which always makes me want to see if the book can do its reputation justice...
Briar Rose is something I came across a while ago. As the title suggests, it's based on the story of Sleeping Beauty, but apparently there's a marginally controversial modern twist which I'm eager to find out more about.

The Virgin's Lover, The Boleyn Inheritance, The Other Boleyn Girl, The Queen's Fool, The Other Queen & The Constant Princess
by Philippa Gregory

That love of historical fiction I mentioned? Well. A couple of months ago I had a phase where I was addicted to anything set in the Tudor period, so I searched Amazon and found this series by Philippa Gregory. I am HUGELY excited to get stuck into these, I haven't read a decently long historical fiction series for ages!

The Confession of Katherine Howard by Suzannah Dunn
Ariel by Sylvia Plath

My obsession with the Tudors was really crystallised in Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, after I read and loved (my signed copy of) Gilt by Katherine Longshore. I had a look for anything else specifically about Catherine and came across this.
Although I'm familiar with most of poems in Ariel because they can be found online, I'm pleased to finally get my hands on a copy of it. There's a strong possibility I'll end up doing my extended English essay on Plath next year, so I thought I'd better commit early!

Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
To be honest, I can't remember much about Girl in Translation, or even why I ordered it, but it had been on my list of books to buy for so long I thought I ought to get it. I just looked it up on Amazon and in retrospect it really doesn't seem my thing, but I'll give it a go and we'll see.
Life of Pi is another one that I kind of just bought for the sake of it. I haven't seen the film but I definitely want to read it, although I wouldn't say it's top of my list right now.

This Side of Paradise & The Beautiful and Damned
Tender is the Night & The Last Tycoon
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm a huge fan of The Great Gatsby and I've also read The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald after borrowing it from a friend. I was originally going to get all of these individually, but these fairly substantial books combining two stories were under £2 each, so I decided I might as well invest in a few.

Torn by Cat Clarke
Hysteria by Megan Miranda

I loved Entangled by Cat Clarke, and Torn has been on my 'to buy' list for years. As you might imagine from the similarity of the covers, Hysteria is a similar kind of genre, and I hope I'll enjoy these a lot.

St Trinians
The St Trinians Collection

And finally some DVDs! Bit of a theme going on, but I was suddenly reminded of the St Trinians (2007) movie, which lead to my discovery of the original films, which date from the 1950s and 60s. I'm not an expert on 'vintage' British comedy but I love the few series I've seen, so I thought I'd push the boat out and get this box set.

And that concludes my book & DVD haul! Hope you enjoyed seeing what I got, I'll have my clothes & accessories haul up soon.


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  1. I've read Torn and I LOVE it. One of my favourite ever books. Enjoy!

