New Tumblr

September 20, 2014


How are you all? I've been so busy lately, I've hardly stopped. Homework is coming thick and fast, and I've already got tests coming up in the near future, as well as my personal statement to finish off and my UCAS application to submit. In short, things are crazy, but there's something about school that keeps me sane too - it's the routine of it, the way I'm completely worn out by the end of the day and never have any problem falling asleep because my thoughts aren't whirling around my head like they were during the summer. Although I love a holiday just as much as the next person and I'll admit I complain endlessly about being so busy, I think I thrive best under pressure and when I have a schedule to stick to.

Anyway, back to what I wanted to talk about today. Recently I made a new Tumblr blog for somewhere to reblog everything which doesn't fit my other two main ones, the-decadence-of-decay and ihadnocaresinthe1990s. I originally made the latter for this purpose, but somehow it evolved from being totally themeless and just full of interesting things to actually having a blog type (although I'm not sure how I'd describe it, maybe 'whimsy nymphet retro floral'?). So as I find it impossible to scroll past anything interesting or visually appealing without reblogging it, I decided to create yet another blog for all that kind of stuff, which is how queenbananafrog was born.

There's not much of a story behind the url, just that bananafrog is a username I use for a lot of stuff, and that was taken so I just had to add something to it. I think it says a lot about me that my brain automatically tends to lean towards a particular aesthetic, no matter how hard I try to resist...

So if your Tumblr blog type is just a general, personal kind of thing, check out

and maybe follow?


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  1. I have to agree with you on what you said about school. I definitely sleep so much better in fall than summer.

    Love the name of your blog, by the way...and your new tumblr looks great!

    1. Aw thanks so much :) Your blog is adorable, I followed!

